Monday, August 1, 2011


Clayt and I had a full on free day Saturday, it was awesome. So we had an adventure, went to DI got some golf clubs, bought some golf tees and hit the driving range.

serious concentration

I went with the Happy Gilmore stance and hit, and it worked out pretty good.. when I actually hit the ball it FLEW, it was just hard to hit the thing.

and baby boy is pretty good, no lie- those balls were flying.

oh and we broke a few tees...

All and all, golfing is pretty fun, especially when you are really good at smacking, hitting, slamming, and playing with BALLS. ha. balls.


  1. i spit on my computer screen. way to be, Happy. Balls? are we 5? (.................................................................................................................................bahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!)

  2. clayton looks like he is about to punch one out on the first pic.
